Uff, John

Construction Law : Law and Practice Relating to the Construction Industry by John Uff. - 10th ed. - London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2009. - 582 p.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Construction Law and the legal System
Chapter 2. Dispute Resolution-Litigation, Adjudication and ADR
Chapter 3. dispute resolution-Arbitration
Chapter 4. Parties and Status
Chapter 5. The Law of Obligations
Chapter 6. Contract General Principles
Chapter 7. Special Contracts
Chapter 8. Documents
Chapter 9. Construction Contracts
Chapter 10. Vicarious Performances and Insolvency
Chapter 11. Standard Forms of Contract
Chapter 12. the Standard Building Contract
Chapter 13. The ICE Conditions of Contract
Chapter 14. Law of Tort
Chapter 15. Land, Planning and Environmental Law
Chapter 16. Construction Status and Safety


Construction Industry--Law and Legislation.

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