Macrory, Richard (Ed.)

Reflection of 30 years of EU environmental law : a high level of protection? edited by Richard Macrory. - Groningen : Europa Law pub, 2006. - 628 p.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. The battle of environmental policy competences challenging the stricter approach : stricter might lead to weaker protection
Chapter 2. Environmental principles
Chapter 3. Environmental impact assessment in EC law : a critical appraisal
Chapter 4. Public information and participation in EC environmental law : origins, milestones, and trends
Chapter 5. The EU and climate change
Chapter 6. The European Community eco-labelling scheme
Chapter 7. Liability
Chapter 8. Competition and environment : an ecologically rational agreement
Chapter 9. Integration of environmental requirements into EC energy policy
Chapter 10. Integration of environmental considerations into transport
Chapter 11. EC chemicals legislation : a horizontal perspective
Chapter 12. Products and the environment
Chapter 13. Transnational law making and EC product policy : the example of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)
Chapter 14. The legal framework for European waste management : unresolved problems and future perspectives
Chapter 15. Marine safety and protection of the marine environment
Chapter 16. Some reflections on EU biotechnology regulation
Chapter 17. EC law and biodiversity
Chapter 18. European noise law
Chapter 19. The enforcement of UE environmental law : some proposals for reform
Chapter 20. Matching tasks and competencies in the EC multi-level environmental administration
Chapter 21. The European Court of Justice and the implementation of environmental law
Chapter 22. Collective action of non-governmental organisations in European consumer and environmental law : a mutual learning process?
Chapter 23. Did Baron von Munchhausen ever visit Aarhus? Some critical remarks on the proposal for a regulation on the application of the provisions of the Aarhus Convention to EC institutions and bodies
Chapter 24. The need to consolidate EU environmental law : a Polish perspective
Chapter 25. The impact of EC environmental law on Portuguese law
Chapter 26. EC environmental law and future accession states
Chapter 27. International trade and environmental protection : the treatment of national measures introducing trade restrictions on environmental grounds under WTO law
Chapter 28. Thirty years of environmental governance in the European Union


Environmental Law.

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