Arms and explosive laws
by Universal.
- Delhi : Universal, 2009.
- 475 p.
Table of Contents: Chapter 1. The Arms Act, 1959 Chapter 2. The Arms Rules, 1962 Chapter 3. The Explosives Act, 1884 Chapter 4. The Explosives Substances Act, 1908 Chapter 5. The Explosives Rules, 1983 Chapter 6. The Gas Cylinders Rules, 2004 Chapter 7. The Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels ( Unfired) Rules, 1981 Chapter 8. The Petroleum Products (Maintenance of Production, Storage and Supply) Order, 1999 Chapter 9. The Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Regulation of Supply and Distribution) Order, 2001 Chapter 10. The Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act, 1984 Chapter 11. Other Related Laws