Holdden, livia

Cultural expertise and litigation : Patterns, Conflicts, Narratives edited by livia Holdden. - Oxon : Routledge, 2011. - 234 p.

Table of contents:
Chapter 1. South Asian Muslims and country expertise in the Chapter 2. American immigration courts
Chapter 3. When South Asians marry trans-jurisdictionally: Chapter 4. Some reflections on immigration cases by an expert?
Chapter 5. French law courts and South Asians litigants
Chapter 6. Being on and being in: exposure and influence of academic experts in contemporary Denmark
Chapter 7. Witness statements and credibility assessments in the British asylum courts
Chapter 8. Honour killing? or just plain homicide?
Chapter 9. Life and law: advocacy and expert witnessing in the UK
Chapter 10. The case of S.: elaborating the right? narrative to fit normative/political expectation in asylum procedure in Italy
Chapter 11. Expert report writing: professional commitments and legal outcomes


Forensic anthropology.
Forensic sociology.

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