Regulatory State : Constitutional Implications
edited by Dawn Oliver, Tony Prosser and Richard Rawlings.
- U.S : O.U.P., 2010.
- 337 p.
Table of Contents: Chapter 1. Introduction : Testing Times Chapter 2. Regulatory Governance and the Challenge of Constitutionalism Chapter 3. Models of Economic and Social Regulation Chapter 4. Rule-Making and the American Constitution Chapter 5. Devolution and the Regulatory State : Constraints and Opportunities Chapter 6. The Credit Crisis and the Constitution Chapter 7. Rationing the Use of Common Resources : Problems of Design and Constitutionality Chapter 8. Socio-Economic Rights and Essential Services : a new Challenge for the Regulatory State Chapter 9. Competition Law in Europe : the Challenge of a Network Constitution Chapter 10. Private Law-Making and European Integration : Where do they Meet, When do they Conflict? Chapter 11. Reforming Regulatory Sanctions : Designing a Systematic Approach Chapter 12. Regulation, Democracy, and Democratic Oversight in the UK Chapter 13. Auditing Regulatory Reform Chapter 14. Changed Conditions, Old Truths : Judicial Review in a Regulatory Laboratory Chapter 15. Conclusion : Ten Lessons