Lawyers and the Constitution
by Benjamin R. Twiss .
- New Jersey : The Law Book Exchange Ltd. 1942.
- pages varies
Table of Contents: Chapter 1. The Stuff the Law is made of Chapter 2. A Constitutional Ideology for Individualism Chapter 3. From Feudalism to the Fourteenth Amendement Chapter 4. Granger Individualism Vs. Corporate Laissez faire Chapter 5. The Prince and the Sweatshops Chapter 6. Brewers, Bakers and the Police Power Chapter 7. Priests of the temple of the Constitution Chapter 8. Legal science and Natural Science : Late nature take its Course Chapter 9. Divide and Conquer : The Anti Trust act Chapter 10. States Rights and Freedom of Interstate Commerce Chapter 11. The Twilight zone of dual federalism Chapter 12. Lawyers as Social engineers Index