Gupta, S.C.

Fundamentals of statistics by S. C. Gupta. - Mumbai : Himalaya, 2010. - page varies.

Table of Contents :
Chapter 1. Introduction - meaning and scope
Chapter 2. Collection of data
Chapter 3. Classification and tabulation
Chapter 4. Diagrammatic and graphic representation
Chapter 5. Averages
Chapter 6. Dispersion
Chapter 7. Skewness and kurtosis
Chapter 8. Correlation
Chapter 9. Liner regression analysis
Chapter 10. Index numbers
Chapter 11. Time series analysis
Chapter 12. Theory of probability
Chapter 13. Random variable, probability distributions and mathematical
Chapter 14. Theoretical distribution
Chapter 15. Sampling theory and design of sample surveys
Chapter 16. Theory of estimation and testing of hypothesis
Chapter 17. Large sample tests
Chapter 18. Chi-square test
Chapter 19. Tests of significance based on t, F and Z distributions
Chapter 20. Interpolation and extrapolation
Chapter 21. Statistical quality control
Chapter 22. Theory of attributes
Chapter 23. Analysis of variance
Chapter 24. Interpretation of data and statistical fallacies
Chapter 25. Statistical decision theory



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