Text, cases and materials on public law and human rights
by Helen Fenwick and Gavin Phillipson.
- 3rd ed.
- Oxon : Routledge, 2011.
- 1256 p.
Table of Contents: Chapter 1. Constitutional principles and the British Constitution Chapter 2. The nature and role of constitutional conventions Chapter 3. The rule of law and the separation of powers Chapter 4. Parliamentary sovereignty Chapter 5. The European union and parliamentary sovereignty Chapter 6. Devolution Chapter 7. The European convention on human rights Chapter 8. The commons: Elections, parties, legislations and scrutiny Chapter 9. The house of lords and reform Chapter 10. Parliamentary privilege Chapter 11. prerogative powers Chapter 12. The central executive: Structures and accountability Chapter 13. Official secrecy and freedom of information Chapter 14. Judicial review: Availability, applicability, procedural exclusivity Chapter 15. Grounds of judicial review Chapter 16. Ombudsmen Chapter 17. The traditional protection of civil liberties in Britain and the impact of the human rights act 1998 Chapter 18. Freedom of expression Chapter 19. Freedom of assembly, public protest and public order Chapter 20. Crime patrol and counter-trorrism: Police powers Index