Napley, Kingsley

Serious fraud, investigation and trail by Kingsley Napley. - 4th ed. - New Delhi : Lexis & Nexis, 2010. - 846 p.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Fraud Offences
Chapter 2. Fraud Prosecutions
Chapter 3. Serious Fraud Investigations--Criminal Investigations Powers
Chapter 4. Core Issues
Chapter 5. Disclosure in the Crown Court
Chapter 6. Parallel Investigations and Proceedings
Chapter 7. Transfer and Sending of Cases to the Crown Court
Chapter 8. Dismissal of Transferred Charges
Chapter 9. Procedural Issues, Preparatory Hearings, Case Management and Trial
Chapter 10. Sentencing
Chapter 11. Restraint
Chapter 12. Confiscation
Chapter 13. International Issues


Criminal Law.

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