Judge Nagendra Singh of the world court
by V. C. Govindaraj.
- New Delhi : Deep & deep, 1999.
- 182 p.
Table of Contents: Chapter 1. Prohibition of the use of Force and Collective Self-Defence: Nicaragua v. United States of Amarica. Chapter 2. Excercise of jurisdiction by ICAO council and related matters- The question of Apellate Jurisdiction of ICJ. Chapter 3. Decolonization and the Relevance of Pre- Existing legal ties to self-determination- Western Sahara Advisory Opinion. Chapter 4. Diplomati and Consular immunities under the Vienna conventions of 1961 and 1963- Treatment of diplomatic and consular agents thereunder: Case concerning United States diplomatic and consular staff in Tehran- United States of America v. Iran. Chapter 5. Finality of judgements of the United Nations administrative tribunal- The scope and Ambit of World Court's review. Chapter 6. Request for permission to intervene under Article 62 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice- The 'Raison d' Etre' for its disallowance. Chapter 7. Disputes relating to Maritime Zones. Chapter 8. Epilogue. Annexures. Index.