Obligation of employers under labour laws
by H. L. Kumar and Gaurav Kumar.
- 5th ed.
- Delhi : Universal, 2008.
- 370 p.
Table of contents: Chapter 1. Obligations of employers under the apprentice Act, 1961 Chapter 2. Obligations of employers under the beedi & cigar workers (conditions of employment) Act, 1966 Chapter 3. Obligations of owners under the Indian boilers Act, 1923 Chapter 4. Obligations of employers under the bonded labour system (abolition) Act, 1976 Chapter 5. Obligations of employers under the child labour (prohibition and regulations) Act, 1986 Chapter 6. Obligations of employers under the cine workers and cinema theatre workers (regulations of employment) Chapter 7. Obligations of employers under the collections of statistics Act, 1953 Chapter 8. Obligation of employers under the contract labour (regulation & abolition) Act, 1970 Chapter 9. Obligations of employers under the dangerous machines (regulation Act, 1983 Chapter 10. Obligations of employers under the emigration Act, 1983 Chapter 11. Obligations of employers under the Indian dock labourers Act, 1934 Chapter 12. Obligations of employers under the emigration Act, 1983 Obligation of employers under the employees provident funds and miscellaneous provisions Act, 1952 Chapter 13. Obligation of employers under the employers under the employees state insurance Act, 1948 Chapter 14. Obligations of employers under the employers liability Act, 1938 Chapter 15. Obligations of employers under the employment exchanges (compulsory notifications of vacancies) Act, 1959 Chapter 16. Obligations of employers under the equal remuneration Act, 1976 Chapter 17. Obligations of employers under the factories Act, 1948 Chapter 18. Obligations of employers under the Indian fatal accident Act, 1855 Chapter 19. Obligations of employers under the industrial disputes Act, 1947 Chapter 20. Obligations of employers under the industrial employment Act, 1946 Chapter 21. Obligations of employers under the inter state migrant workmen (regulation of employment and conditions of service) Act, 1979 Chapter 22. Obligations of employers under the maternity benefit Act, 1961 Chapter 23. Obligations of employers (owners, agents & managers) under the mines Act, 1952 Chapter 24. Obligations of employers under the minimum wages Act, 1948 Chapter 25. Obligations of employers under the motor transport workers Act, 1961 Chapter 26. Obligations of employers under the payment of bonus Act, 1965 Chapter 27. Obligations of employers under the payment of gratuity Act, 1972 Chapter 28. Obligations of employers under the payment of wages Act, 1936 Chapter 29. Obligations of employers under the sales promotion employees (conditions of service) Act, 1976 Chapter 30. Obligations of employees under the working journalists (conditions of services) and miscellaneous provisions Act, 1955 Chapter 31. Obligations of employers under the workmen's compensation Act, 1923