Kumar, H. L.

Practical guide to payment of wages act and rules by H. L. Kumar and Gaurav Kumar. - Delhi : Universal, 2008. - 233 p.

Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Enactment and amendments of the payment of wages Act, 1936
Chapter 2. Applicability of the Act
Chapter 3. Obligations of the employer under the Act
Chapter 4. responsibility for payment of wages
Chapter 5. Important definitions and clarifications
Chapter 6. Deductions which may be made from wages
Chapter 7. Deduction of wages for absence
Chapter 8. Claims raising out of deductions/delay in payment of wages
Chapter 9. Appeal against the order of the authority
Chapter 10. Miscellaneous matters and provisions under the Act
Chapter 11. Penalties and procedure for impositions
the payment of wages Act, 1936
The payments of wages (procedure) rules, 1937
The payment of wages (procedure) application to scheduled employment rules, 1962
The payment of wages (manner of recovery of excess deductions) rules, 1966
The payment of wages ( air transport services) rules, 1968
The payment of wages (mines) rules, 1956
The payment of wages (railways) rules, 1938
The payment of disbursed wages (air transport services) rules, 1988
The payment of disbursed wages (mines) rules, 1989
Subject index.


Labour Law.

344.0121 / KUM/PRA