Pattnson, Shaun D.

Medical law and ethics - 2nd ed. - London : Sweet & maxwell, 2009. - 659 p.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1. Medical ethics. The provision of medical care
Chapter 2. Regulation, complaints and the provision of medical care. Medical practice
Chapter 3. Clinical negligence
Chapter 4. Consent I: Information, voluntariness and public policy
Chapter 5. Consent II: Capacity
Chapter 6. Medical confidentiality. Reproductive medicine
Chapter 7. Abortion
Chapter 8. Reproductive technologies
Chapter 9. Prenatal negligence. Research, experimentation, and genetics
Chapter 10. Embryo research, embryonic stem cells, and cloning
Chapter 11. Medical research
Chapter 12. Medical genetics: testing, therapy, and patenting.
Chapter 13.Transplantation 1: Living and Deceased Donors
Chapter 14.Transplantation 2: Payment, Alternatives and Property
Chapter 15. End of life decisions I: Law
Chapter 16. End of life decisions II: Ethical controversy. Conclusion
Chapter 17. A moral approach to medical law.


Medical Law.

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