Das, P. K.

International law documents by P. K. Das. - Delhi : Universal, 2003. - 634 p.

Table of contents:
Part 1. General conventions, covenants and protocals
Part 2. Declarations, agreements, treaties and resolutions
Part 3. Appendix
Subject index
Part 1
Establishment of the court
Part 2
Jurisdiction,admissibility and applicable law
Part 3
General principles of criminal law
Part 4
Composition and administration of the court
Part 5
Investigation and prosecution
Part 6
The trial
Part 7
Part 8
Appeal and revision
Part 9
International cooperation and judicial assistance
Part 10
Part 11
Assembly of state parties
Part 12
Part 13
Final clauses
International covenant on civil and political rights, 1966
International covenants on economic, social and cultural rights,1966
Framework convention for the protection of national minorities, 1995
International convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination, 1966
Convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide, 1948
Convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment 1984
Montreal convention for the suppression of unlawful acts against the safety of civil aviation, 1971
Tokyo convention on offences and certain other acts committed on board aircraft, 1988
Hague convention for the suppression of unlawful seizure of aircraft, 1970
Rome convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, 1950
Section 1
Rights and freedoms
Section 2
European court of human rights
Section 3
Miscellaneous provisions
Protocols to the convention
European convention for the prevention of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, 1987
European convention on state immunity, 1972
European social charter, 1961
American convention on human rights 1969
Part 1
State obligations and rights protected
Chapter 1. General obligations
Chapter 2. Civil and political rights
Chapter 3. Economic, social, and cultural rights
Chapter 4. Suspension of guarantees, interpretation, and application
Chapter 5. Personal responsibility
Part 2
Means of protection
Chapter 6. Competent organs
Chapter 7. Inter-American commission on human rights
Chapter 8. Inter-american court of human rights
Chapter 9. Common provisions
Part 3
General and transitory provisions
Chapter 10. Signature, ratification, reservations,amendments,protocols, and denunciation
Chapter 11. Transitory provisions
African charter on human and peoples rights, 1981
Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, 1979
Convention on the rights of the child, 1989
Vienna convention on diplomatic relations, 1961
United nations convention on the law of treaties, 1969
Vienna convention on succession of state in respect of treaties, 1978
Vienna convention on consular relations, 1963
optional protocol to the vienna convention on consular relations concerning acquisition of nationality
Optional protocol to the Vienna convention on consular relations concerning the compulsory statement of disputes
Convention on the territorial sea and the contiguous zone, 1958
Convention on fishing and conservation of the living resources of the high seas, 1958
Convention on the continental shelf, 1958
Hague convention for the pacific settlement of international disputes, 1899
Hauge convention for the pacific settlement of international disputes, 1907
International convention on the suppression and punishment and punishment of the crime of apartheid, 1973
Geneva convention relative to the protection of civilian persons in time for war, 1950


International Law.

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