Usha, A. (Ed.)

Tax law : Global perspectives edited by A. Usha. - Hyderabad : ICFAI, 2007. - 316 p.

Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Tax consequences of the migration of companies
Chapter 2. Tax opinions in TIC offerings
Chapter 3. The commerce clause meets environmental protection: the compensatory tax doctrine as a defence of potential regional carbon dioxide regulation
Chapter 4. Developing an International tax policy strategy for NAFTA countries
Chapter 5. Tribal values of taxation within the tribalist economic theory
Chapter 6. Where's the Beef?:buffalo law and taxation
Chapter 7. Bet on it:the taxation of online gaming
Chapter 8. Responsive regulation in an uncertain legal domain- a critical appraisal of the tax commissioner's model of cooperative compliance
Chapter 9. Development and tax policy
Chapter 10. Hard law and soft law in international taxation
Chapter 11. Tax competition, tax arbitrage, and the international tax regime


Tax Law.

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