Padmashree, B. (Ed.)

Tort reform debate : Emerging trends edited by B. Padmashree. - 1st ed. - Hyderabad : ICFAI, 2008. - 227 p.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. The logic of legal remedies and the relative weight of norms: Assessing the public interest in the tort reform debate
Chapter 2. Reasonableness, justice and the No-Duty_to-Rescue rule of torts
Chapter 3. A proposal to amend rule 407 of the federal rules of evidence to conform with the underlying relevancy rationale for the rule in negligence and strict liability actions
Chapter 4. Reining in the data traders: A tort for the misuse of personal information
Chapter 5. Punitive damages and the Supreme Court: A tragedy in five acts
Chapter 6. The missing theory of variable selection in the economic analysis of tort law
Chapter 7. The American Law Institute's draft proposal to bypass the aggregate settlement rule: Do mass tort clients need (or want) group decision making'?
Chapter 8. Product liability- A legislation in necessity



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