Nagaraj, N. Nagamani (Ed.)

Icfai university press on new orientations in workplace environment edited by N. Nagamani Nagaraj and Anitha Arunsimha. - Hyderabad : ICFAI, 2009. - 172 p.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Workplace competence- an introduction
Chapter 2. Fun and laughter at workplace- an attrition blocker?
Chapter 3. The A-T approach to workplace happiness
Chapter 4. Pleasure at the workplace
Chapter 5. Negative talk- implications on performance and workplace management
Chapter 6. Ethics at workplace
Chapter 7. Workplace bullying
Chapter 8. Managing innovation- the key to competitive advantage
Chapter 9. Workplace changing paradigms
Chapter 10. Generation Y- enriching the workplace
Chapter 11. Role of women in workplace
Chapter 12. Effective time management
Chapter 13. Managing workplace stress- an effective approach
Chapter 14. Organizational commitment of employees at workplace: concepts and strategies
Chapter 15. Workplace communication- beyond the known paradigm
Chapter 16. From community of practice to on demand workplace- IBM's journey in knowledge management



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