Sujatha, D. (Ed.)

Migrant workers : a socio -legal debate edited by D. Sujatha. - Hyderabad : ICFAI, 2007. - 257 p.

Table of contents:
Chapter 1. International migration and human rights
Chapter 2. Internal migration, poverty and development in Asia
Chapter 3. Back to the future ? can Europe meet its labour needs through temporary migration?
Chapter 4. Framing women migrants rights: the case of migrant domestic workers in the European Union
Chapter 5. Migrant workers in a global city: ethnicity and gender in serving work in a Greater London hotel
Chapter 6. Effects of an amnesty for undocumented immigrants
Chapter 7. Exploitation in global supply chains: Burmease migrant worker in mae sot, Thiland
Chapter 8. The role of transitional networks and legal status in securing a living: Ghananian migrants in the Netherlands


Labour Law.

344.01544 / SUG/MIG