Prasad, P. Satyanarayan (Ed.)

Crimes in international trade : issues and perspectives edited by P. Satyanarayan Prasad. - Hyderabad : ICFAI, 2008. - 246 p.

Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Integrating Integrity and Procurement:the United Nations Convention against Corruption and the UNCITRAL Model Procurement Law / Christopher R. Yukins
Chapter 2. The UN convention against Corruption and Development Cooperation -Corruption Prevention by more Efficient Law Enforcement? / Johanna Beate Wysluch
Chapter 3. Deterrring Abuse of the Financial System: Elements of an Emerging International Integrity Standard / R. Barry Johnston and John Abbott
Chapter 4. New Directions for Regional Cooperation in the Suppression of Transnational Crime in the South Pacific / Neil Boister
Chapter 5. The Missing Link Between Insider Trading and Securities Fraud / Richard A. Booth
Chapter 6. Reflections on Scienter (and the Securities Fraud case against Martha Stewart that Never Happened)
Chapter 7. Enron and Arthur Anderson: The Case of the Crooked E and the Fallen A by Gary M. Cunningham and Jean E. Harris
Chapter 8. The Balkanisation of Politics: Crime and Corruption in Albania / Daniela Irrera
Chapter 9. Drug Trafficking: Threat or Risk? A Comparative Analysis of Drug Policies in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran / Janet Kursawe
List of Cases


Criminal Law.

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