Menon, Anila V. (Ed.)

Assisted Reproductive Technologies : A Legal Dilemma edited by Anila V. Menon. - Hyderabad : ICFAI, 2007. - 220 p.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Legal issues :A Curtain Raiser
Chapter 2. The Ambiguous Meaning of Human Conception
Chapter 3. Access to assisted Reproductive Technologies
Chapter 4. Posthumous Reproduction
Chapter 5. Assisted Reproduction and the Welfare of the Child
Chapter 6. Grounding Paternity in the Context of Assisted Conception: Is Fatherhood a Symbolic or Active Legal Construct ?
Chapter 7. Dimensions of Equality in Regulating Assisted Reproductive Technologies
Chapter 8. "It's a Designer Baby!": Opinions on Regulation of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis
Chapter 9. Embryo Donation : The Government Adopts a Cause


Medical Law.

344.04196 / MEN/ASS