Politi, Mauro (Ed.)

The international criminal court and national edited by Mauro Politi and Gioia Federica. - England Ashgate 2008 - 177 p.

Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Introductory remarks
Chapter 2. Italy and the international criminal ccourt
Part I
Complementarity: A First Assessment
Chapter 3. Principe de complementarite et droit international general
Chapter 4. Complementarity in practice: creative solutions or a trap for the Court?
Chapter 5. Issues of admissibility in case of self-referrals
Part II
Substantive and Procedural Aspects of Complementarity
Chapter 6. The principle of complementarity and Security Council referrals
Chapter 7. Inability to investigate and prosecute under Article 17
Chapter 8. The complementary role of the International Criminal Court: are there any time-limits?
Part III
Recent Developments on International Cooperation and National Implementation
Chapter 9. The ICC and international criminal cooperation - key aspects and fundamental necessities
Chapter 10. Cooperation with the International Criminal Court: some thoughts on improvements under the current regime
Chapter 11. State cooperation with the ICC and human rights, Chapter 12. Can the Nuremberg legacy serve any purpose in understanding the modern concept of 'complementarity', Maria Chapter 13. Cooperation between the European Union and the International Criminal Court: legal bases and opportunities for implementation
Part IV
Round Table: The ICC Relationship with National Jurisdiction: What Future?
Chapter 14. Round table
Chapter 15. Closing remarks


Criminal jurisdiction--International cooperation--Congresses.
Criminal procedure (International law)--Congresses.

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