WTO and International Environmental Law : Towards Conciliation
by Anupam Goyal.
- New Delhi : Oxford, 2006.
- 424 p.
Table of contents: Chapter 1. Trade and Environment Laws : Structure and Opposite Concerns Chapter 2. Multilateral Environmental Agreements, Non-party States and GATT/WTO Chapter 3. Process and Production-Based Environmental Trade Measures of MEAs and Non-discrimination Mandate of GATT/WTO Chapter 4. Environmental Exceptions of GATT : MEAs and GATT Article XX Chapter 5. Financial Assistance Provisions Under Montreal Protocol and WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures Chapter 6. Intellectual Property Rights Under the TRIPs Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity Chapter 7. Reconciling MEAs and GATT/WTO through the Rules of Treaty Interpretation Chapter 8. Conclusion
Foreign Trade Regulation. International Trade--Environmental Aspects.