Totten, Samuel (Ed.)

Century of genocide : eyewitness accounts and critical views edited by Samuel Totten and William S. Parson. - 3rd ed. - New York : Routledge, 2009. - 654 p.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Genocide of the Hereros
Chapter 2. The Armenian Genocide
Chapter 3. Soviet Man-made Famine in Ukraine
Chapter 4. Holocaust: The Genocide of the Jews
Chapter 5. Holocaust: The Gypsies
Chapter 6. Holocaust: The Genocide of Disabled Peoples
Chapter 7. The Indonesian Massacres
Chapter 8. Genocide in East Timor
Chapter 9. Genocide in Bangladesh
Chapter 10. The Burundi Genocide
Chapter 11. The Cambodian Genocide
Chapter 12. The Anfal Operations in Iraqi Kurdistan
Chapter 13. The Rwanda Genocide
Chapter 14. Genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Chapter 15. Genocide in Kosovo?
Chapter 16. Out of the Darkness: Responding to Genocide of the 21st Century
Chapter 17. The Intervention and Prevention of Genocide: Where There Is the Political Will, There Is a Way



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