Schaller, Barry R.

Understanding Bioethics and the Law : the Promises and Perils of the Brave new World of Biotechnology by Barry R. Schaller, foreword by Todd Brewster. - New Delhi : Pentagon press, 2009. - 241 p.

Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Introduction:Bioethics on Trial
Chapter 2. The Context of Bioethics, Law, and Society
Chapter 3. The Legal Landscape of Human Research Litigation
Chapter 4. Better off Dead? can Judges be Meta Physicians?
Chapter 5. Body Parts: Allocating Organs
Chapter 6. Stem Cells: Promise and Politics
Chapter 7. Boundaries and the end of Life:the Strange Case of Terri Schiavo
Chapter 8. New Frontiers
Selected Bibliography


Health Law.

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