Oxford handbook of the law of the sea
edited by Rothwell, Donald R...[et al.].
- Oxford : OUP, 2017.
- 997 p.
Table of Contents : List of illustrations Table of cases List of Abbreviations Notes on contributors Chapter 1: Historical development of the law of the sea Chapter 2: The 1982 united nations convention on the law of the sea Chapter 3: Between stability and change in the law of the sea convention : subsequent practice, treaty modification, and regime interaction Chapter 4: baselines Chapter 5: The territorial sea and contiguous zone Chapter 6: International straits Chapter 7: The archipelagic regime Chapter 8: The exclusive economic zone Chapter 9: The continental shelf Chapter 10: The high seas Chapter 11: The deep seabed Chapter 12 : Maritime boundary delimitation Chapter 13: Port and coastal states Chapter 14: Flag states Chapter 15: Landlocked and geographically disadvantaged states Chapter 16: The united nations: a practitioner's perspective Chapter 17: The law of the sea convention institutions Chapter 18: Courts and tribunals: the ICJ, ITLOS, and arbitral tribunals Chapter 19: The international maritime organization Chapter 20: Regional fisheries management organizations Chapter 21: Integrated oceans management : a new frontier in marine environmental protection Chapter 22: Marine living resources Chapter 23: Science and the international regulation of marine pollution Chapter 24: Navigational rights and freedoms Chapter 25: Marine scientific research Chapter 26: Maritime security Chapter 27: The mediterranean sea Chapter 28: The south China sea Chapter 29: North-east atlantic and the north sea Chapter 30: The caribbean sea and gulf of mexico Chapter 31: The Indian ocean and the law of the sea: a work in progress Chapter 32: Polar oceans and law of the sea Chapter 33: Conserving marine biodiversity in areas beyond national Jurisdiction: co-evolution and interaction with the law Chapter 34: Warming waters and souring seas: climate change and ocean acidification Chapter 35: Threatened species and vulnerable marine ecosystems Chapter 36: Marine bioprospecting Chapter 37: Piracy Chapter 38: Military operations Chapter 39: Charting the future for the law of the sea Index