Law of the sea in South East Asia : environmental, navigational and security challenges
edited by Donald R. Rothwell.
- London : Routledge, 2021.
- 270 p.
Tables of Contents : List of figures List of contributors Foreword Preface Table of cases Table of treaties and other international instruments Chapter 1: The law of the sea and south east Asia Chapter 2: Maritime claims in south east Asia Chapter 3: An incomplete maritime map: progress and challenges in the delimitation of maritime boundaries in south east Asia Chapter 4: Maritime security in south east Asia Chapter 5: Advancing marine environmental security in south east Asia: challenges and opportunities Chapter 6: Climate change and the law of the sea in the Asia pacific Chapter 7: The limits of the natural state doctrine: rocks, islands and artificial intervention in a changing world Chapter 8: The law of the sea, status and message ambiguity Chapter 9: The united nations convention on the law of the sea in south east Asia: smooth sailing or stormy seas? Chapter 10: 'Do as i do, not as i say'- navigational freedom and the law of the sea convention Chapter 11: Regimes of navigation and maritime security in south east Asia Chapter 12: Crossing the rubicon : Singapore's evolving relations with China in the context of the 2016 arbitral award Chapter 13: Saving the south China sea fishery Chapter 14: Dispute resolution and the law of the sea following the south China sea arbitration Chapter 15: Challenges for the law of the sea in south east Asia: resolving current controversies and addressing horizon threats Index