Rene girard, law, literature, and cinema : the legal drama of the scapegoat
by Eric M. Wilson.
- Singapore : Springer, 2024.
- 662 p.
Table of contents: part 1. Rene girard, sophocles, oedipus tyrannus and the goat song of Tragodia Part 2. Two little piggies went to the apocalypse in William golding's lord of the flies Part 3. White Male Suburbanites in the Wilderness and Their Regression to the State of Nature in James Dickeys Deliverance Part 4. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance and High Noon Part 5. Metaphysical Desire and the Crisis of Undifferentiation in Akira Kurosawas Yojimbo and Rashomon Part 6.Liberalism Generative Unanimity and Postsacrificial Scapegoating in 12 Angry Men Part 7. The Postheroic Lawyer as Scapegoat and Scapegoater in Presumed Innocent The Verdict and Cape Fear Part 8. Franz Kafkas The Trial and the Eternal Undecidability of the Scapegoat Part 9. The Scapegoat and the Scapegoater in Albert Camus The Stranger and The Fall Part10. Monstrous Doubles and the Folie a Deux in Truman Capotes In Cold Blood Part11. The Resacralization of the Scapegoat in the Age of Public Reason Part 12. The Apocalypse of Rene Girard References