Ray, Debraj

Development economics by Debraj Ray. - Princetion : Princetion University Press, 1998. - 848 p.

Table of Contents :
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Economic development: overview
Chapter 3: Economic growth
Chapter 4: The new growth theories
Chapter 5: History, expectations, and development
Chapter 6: Economic inequality
Chapter 7: Inequality and development: Interconnections
Chapter 8: Poverty and undernutrition
Chapter 9: Population growth and economic development
Chapter 10: Rural and urban
Chapter 11: Markets in agriculture: an introduction
Chapter 12: Land
Chapter 13: Labor
Chapter 14: Credit
Chapter 15: Insurance
Chapter 16: International trade
Chapter 17: Trade policy
Chapter 18: Multilateral approaches to trade policy
Appendix 1: Elementary game theory
Appendix 2: Elementary statistical methods
Author index
Subject index



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