Nyaya-sutras of Gautma : with the bhasya of vatsyayana and the vartika of uddyotakara (vol. 2)
by Ganganatha Jha.
- Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass, 2022.
- 585-1066 p.
Table of Contents : Chapter 1: Detailed examination of doubt Chapter 2: Detailed examination of pramanas in general Chapter 3: Detailed examination of perception Chapter 4: Examination of the nature of composite wholes Chapter 5: Examination of inference Chapter 6: Examination of the nature of time- specially the present Chapter 7: Examination of analogical cognition Chapter 8: Examination of world in general Chapter 9: On 'word' in particular Chapter 10: The exact number of pramanas Chapter 11: Non-eternality of words Chapter 12: Modifications of sounds Chapter 13: Examination of the nature of words and their potencies