Barnett, Randy E.

Constitutional law: cases in context - New York : Aspen, 2008. - 1348 p.

Table of contents:
Part 1
Chapter 1. The evolution of constitutional law
Chapter 2. The marshal court
Chapter 3. The taney court
Chapter 4. The civil war
Chapter 5. The reconstruction era
Chapter 6. The new deal court
Chapter 7. The warren court
Part 2
Constitutional structure
Chapter 9. Article 1- the legislative power
Chapter 10. Federal limits on congressional power
Chapter 11. Federal limits on state power
Chapter 12. Article ii--The executive power
Chapter 13. Article iii--The judicial power
Part 3
Constitutional rights
Chapter 14. Equal protection
Chapter 15. Unenumerated rights
Chapter 16. Freedoms of speech and press
Chapter 17. Freedom of association
Chapter 18. The free exercise of religion
Chapter 19. No establishment of religion
Chapter 20. the rights to keep and bear arms
Chapter 21. Taking private property for public use
Table of cases


Constitutional law--united states.

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