Ryder, Rodney D.

Internet law : regulating cyberspace and emerging technologies by Rodney D Ryder and Nikhil Naren. - New Delhi : Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020. - page varies

Table of Contents :
Chapter 1. Information Technology Act, 2000.
Chapter 2. Cyber crimes.
Chapter 3. Electronic evidence.
Chapter 4. Internet security.
Chapter 5. Interception and monitoring of electronic communication in India.
Chapter 6. Privacy.
Chapter 7. Data Protection Regime in India.
Chapter 8. Freedom of expression in cyber space.
Chapter 9. E-governance.
Chapter 10. E-commerce.
Chapter 11. Social media.
Chapter 12. Intellectual property and information technology.
Chapter 13. Digital brand management.
Chapter 14. Privacy policy.
Chapter 15. New technologies and the law.


Computer communications--India.
Internet--law and legislation.

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