Trafficking in women and children in India
by Sankar Sen.
- New Delhi : Orient longman, 2005.
- 748 p.
Table of Contents: Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Review of literature Chapter 3. Methodology Chapter 4. Profile of the study area Chapter 5. Rescued from commercial sexual exploitation: the survivors Chapter 6. Trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation: the victims Chapter 7. The clientele Chapter 8. Brothel owners Chapter 9. The traffickers Chapter 10. Children trafficked for labour and other exploitation Chapter 11. Migration and trafficking Chapter 12. Tourism and trafficking Chapter 13. Culturally sanctioned practices and trafficking Chapter 14. Missing persons and trafficking Chapter 15. The survivor: psychological impacts and interventions Chapter 16. The legal framework Chapter 17. Status of law enforcement Chapter 18. Response of police officials Chapter 19. Judicial response Chapter 20. Response of the government...