Das, Pallab (Ed.)

Through the lens of maritime law : A world view edited by Pallab Das. - 1st ed. - Lucknow : EBC. 2020. - 142 p.

Tables of Contents:
Chapter 1. MARPOL, LONDON DUMPING, BASEL: interrelationships in regulatory ship- source pollution law
Chapter 2. Wrongful arrest of ships- an Indian perspective
Chapter 3. Role of financial security providers under maritime labour convention, 2006 in the event of abandonment of seafarers
Chapter 4. Sister ship and associate ship arrest - a study of the global scenario and the position of law in India
Chapter 5. Protection of seafarer's rights on board the abandoned ships
Chapter 6. Maritime arbitration: a global analysis
Chapter 7. Through the lens of maritime law: A world view salient features of the admiralty act, 2017
Chapter 8. Contractual anti-suit injunctions
Chapter 9. Arrest of ship for unpaid bunkers- a shipowner's nightmare


Maritime law.

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