Kapilashrami, Anuj (Ed.)

Global health governance and commercialisation of public health in India : actors, institutions and the dialectics of global and local Edited by Anuj Kapilashrami and Rama V Baru. - New York : Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2019. - 154 p.

Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Global health governance and commercialisation of public health in India : actors, institutions, and the dialectics of global and local
Chapter 2. Mapping the conceptual terrain of global health governance : global "ideas", "innovations", and normative frameworks to investment in health
Chapter 3. Technical agencies and nutrition governance in India : power & influence in the context of contested approaches
Chapter 4. Global actors, priorities & local partnerships : a case study of USAID's Sambhav scheme in Uttar Pradesh, India
Chapter 5. Comercialisation in health services in India since 1980 : a biographical approach
Chapter 6. Industrial vectors of non communicable diseases : a study of the alcohol industry in India
Chapter 7. Public private partnerships in drug trials : blurred boundaries and emerging concerns : a case study of the human papilloma virus vaccine in India
Chapter 8. Unpackaging the private sector in health policy & services
Chapter 9. The dilemmas of civil society


Public health -- India.

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