Mody, Ashoka

Euro tragedy : a drama in nine acts by Ashoka Mody. - New Delhi : OUP, 2019. - 251 p.

Table of Contents :
Table of Contents:
Introduction : Europe Ends Up Someplace Else
Chapter 1. Three Leaps in the Dark,1950-1982
Chapter 2. Kohl’s Euro, 1982- 1998
Chapter 3. Schroder Asserts the German National Interest, 1999-2003
Chapter 4. Irrational Exuberance, 2004-2007
Chapter 5. After the Bust, the Denial,2007-2009
Chapter 6. Delays and Half Measures: Greece and Ireland
Chapter 7. Policy Wounds Leave Behind Scar Tissue,2011-2013
Chapter 8. The ECB Hesitates, the Italian Fault Line Deepens, 2014-2017
Chapter 9. The Final Act: A Declining and Divided Europe
Scenarios: The Future Ain’t What it Used to Be
Main Characters in the Euro Drama
Timeline of Key Events: How it Unfolded


European Union.

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