Levin, Janna

Black hokes blues : and other songs from outer space by Janna Levin. - London : Vintage, 2017. - 242 p.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. When Black Holes Collide
Chapter 2. High Fidelity
Chapter 3. Natural Resources
Chapter 4. Culture Shock
Chapter 5. Joe Weber
Chapter 6. Prototypes
Chapter 7. The Troika
Chapter 8. The Climb
Chapter 9. Weber and Trimble
Chapter 10. LHO
Chapter 11. Stunkworks
Chapter 12. Gambling
Chapter 13. Rashomon
Chapter 14. LLO
Chapter 15. Little Cave on Figueroa
Chapter 16. The Race is on
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration
Notes on Sources


Atomic & Nuclear Physics.

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