Arendt, Hannah

Eichmann in Jerusalem : a report on the banality of evil by Hannah Arendt. - London : Penguin Books. 1991. - 333 p.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. The House of Justice
Chapter 2. The Accused
Chapter 3. An Expert on the Jewish Question
Chapter 4. The First Solution: Expulsion
Chapter 5.The Second Solution: Concentration
Chapter 6. The Final Solution: Killing
Chapter 7. The Wannsee Conference, or Pontius Pilate
Chapter 8. Duties of a Law-Abiding Citizen
Chapter 9. Deportations from the Reich- Germany, Austria and the Protectorate
Chapter 10. Deportations from Western Europe-France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Italy
Chapter 11. Deportations from the Balkans- Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Rumania
Chapter 12. Deportations from Central Europe-Hungary and Slovakia
Chapter 13. The Killing Centers in the East
Chapter 14. Evidence and Witnesses
Chapter 15. Judgment, Appeal, and Execution.



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