Harvard Law Review Association
Bluebook : a uniform system of citation
by Harvard Law Review Association.
- 20th ed.
- Cambridge : Harvard Law Review, 2015.
- 560 p.
Table of Contents:
Introduction to legal citation and the Bluebook
The Bluepages : an introduction to basic legal citation
The Bluepages tables
Rules. Rule 1. Structure and use of citations
Rule 2. Typefaces for law reviews
Rule 3. Subdivisions
Rule 4. Short citation forms
Rule 5. Quotations
Rule 6. Abbreviations, numerals, and symbols
Rule 7. Italicization for style and in certain unique circumstances
Rule 8. Capitalization
Rule 9. Title of judges, officials, and terms of court
Rule 10. Cases
Rule 11. Constitutions
Rule 12. Statutes
Rule 13. Legislative materials
Rule 14. Administrative and executive materials
Rule 15. Books, reports, and other nonperiodic materials
Rule 16. Periodical materials
Rule 17. Unpublished and forthcoming sources
Rule 18. Electronic media and other nonprint resources
Rule 19. Services
Rule 20. Foreign materials
Rule 21. International materials
Tables. Table 1. United States jurisdictions
Table 2. Foreign jurisdictions
Table 3. Intergovernmental organizations
Table 4. Treaty sources
Table 5. Arbitral reporters
Table 6. Case names
Table 7. Court names
Table 8. Explanatory phrases
Table 9. Legislative documents
Table 10. Geographical terms
Table 11. Judges and officials
Table 12. Months
Table 13. Periodicals
Table 14. Publishing terms
Table 15. Services
Table 16. Subdivisions
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