Bekoff, Marc

Animals matter : a biologist explains why we should treat animals with compassion and respect by Marc Bekoff. - Boston : Shambhala Pub., 2007. - 202 p.

Table of Contents :
Chapter 1. The ABC'S of animal well-being and protection
Chapter 2. Animals in a human world
Chapter 3. Making decisions about animal use : who should be spared and who should be sacrificed?
Chapter 4. Animal sentience : do animals experience pain, anxiety, and suffering?
Chapter 5. Animal rights and animal welfare
Chapter 6. Utilitarianism : trying to balance the costs and benefits of using animals
Chapter 7. Species, individuals, and the reintroduction of wolves : who counts?
Chapter 8. Zoos, wildlife theme parks, and aquariums : should humans hold other animals captive?
Chapter 9. Should humans interfere in the lives of animals?
Chapter 10. Alternatives to eating animals
Chapter 11. Poisons, eye shadow, and fur : using animals for product testing and clothing
Chapter 12. Dissection and vivisection : we don't need to cut animals to learn about life
Chapter 13. Where to go from here? : we are the key to the future
Chapter 14. Twelve millennial mantras


Animal Welfare.

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