Hood, Roger

Death penalty : a worldwide perspective by Roger Hood and Carolyn Hoyle. - New York : OUP, 2008. - 486 p.

Table of Contents :
Chapter 1. The abolitionist movement : progress and prospects.
Chapter 2. In the vanguard of abolition.
Chapter 3. Where capital punishment remains contested.
Chapter 4. The scope of capital punishment in law.
Chapter 5. The death penalty in reality : the process of execution and the death row experience.
Chapter 6. Excluding the vulnerable from capital punishment.
Chapter 7. Protecting the accused and ensuring due process.
Chapter 8. Deciding who should die : problems of inequity, arbitrariness, and racial discrimination.
Chapter 9. The question of deterrence.
Chapter 10. A question of opinion or a question of principle?
Chapter 11. The challenge of a suitable replacement.


Death Penalty.

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