Dubber, Markus Dirk (Ed.)

Foundational texts in modern criminal law edited by Markus D. Dubber. - First edition. - UK: OUP, 2014. - 432 p.

Table of Contents:
Introduction: Grounding criminal law : foundational texts in comparative-historical perspective / Markus D Dubber --
Chapter 1. Hobbes on "diffidence" and the criminal law
Chapter 2. Beccaria's On Crimes and Punishments : a mirror on the history of the foundations of modern criminal law
Chapter 3. Blackstone's criminal law : common-law harmonization and legislative reform
Chapter 4. Foundations of the legislative panopticon : Bentham's Principles of Morals and Legislation Chapter 5. Dignity, crime and punishment : a Kantian perspective
Chapter 6. PJA von Feuerbach and his Textbook of the Common Penal Law
Chapter 7. The contraction of crime in Hegel's Rechtsphilosophie
Chapter 8. Mill's On Liberty and the modern "harm to others" principle
Chapter 9. James Fitzjames Stephen : the punishment jurist
Chapter 10. Pashukanis and public protection
Chapter 11. Radbruch on the origins of criminal law : punitive interventions before sovereignty
Chapter 12. The model penal code, legal process, and the alegitimacy of American penality
Chapter 13. The modest ambition of Glanville Williams
Chapter 14. The radical orthodoxy of Hart's Punishment and Responsibility
Chapter 15. Criminal law as an efficiency-enhancing device : the contribution of Gary Becker
Chapter 16. Foucault, criminal law, and the governmentalization of the state
Chapter 17. Nils Christie : "Conflicts as Property" Chapter 18. Günther Jakobs's Feindstrafrecht : a dispassionate account


Criminal Law.

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