International Law Reports
- London : Longman, Green & Co.,/ Butterworth & Co.
The International Law Reports is the only publication in the world wholly devoted to the regular and systematic reporting in English of decisions of international courts and arbitrators as well as judgements of national courts. Since the Reports began in 1922, under the title of the Annual Digest of Public International Law, over 10,000 cases have been reported in full or digest form. Available Volumes: Vol.17 to Vol.26 [1950-1958-I and 1958-II] Vol. 27-68-Consolidated Tables and Index to Vols. 1-35 and 36-45 Vols.69-150 and Consolidated Index & Consolidated Table of Cases & Treaties- Vol.1-80, Vols.81-100 & Vols. 1-125 Vols. 151-154-Table of Cases & Treaties
International Law Reports: Vol.155 Consolidated Table of Cases [Vols. 1- 125] International Law Reports: Vol.156 Consolidated Table of Treaties [Vols. 1-125] International Law Reports: Vol. 157 Consolidated Indexes [Vols. 1-35 & 36-125]