International Trade and Food Security : Exploring Collective Food Security in Asia.
edited by Michael Ewing-Chow and Melanie Vilarasau Slade.
- UK : Edward Elgar, 2016.
- 218 p.
- (NUS Centre for International Law) .
Table of Contents: PART I 1. Food Security Issues and the Role of the Multilateral Trading System Evan Rogerson and Diwakar Dixit
2. Global Value Chains in the Food Sector Julia Tijaja 3. Food Security Initiatives in Asia and the Impact of WTO Regulation Roehlano M. Briones 4. A Case Study of Regional Food Security: APTERR Michael Ewing-Chow and Melanie Vilarasau Slade PART II 5. Managing Food Price Volatility in Asia: Why, What and How? C. Peter Timmer 6. Deepening ASEAN Rice Trade Ramon L. Clarete 7. A Private Sector View of Food Security and Pricing Volatility James McVitty PART III 8. Food Security and Limits to Resources Lee Ann Jackson
9. Environmental Change, Food Security and Trade in Southeast Asia J. Jackson Ewing 10. Is there a Role for International Law in Supporting Systemic Solutions to the Food Security Challenge? Melanie Vilarasau Slade
PART IV 11. The WTO and Food Security – and a Possible Step Forward Clemens Boonekamp 12. Conclusion: Moving to Collective Food Security Michael Ewing-Chow and Melanie Vilarasau Slade Index