Shyam Sundar, K. R.

Labour Law and Governance Reforms in India : Some Critical Perspectives by K. R. Shyam Sundar. - New Delhi : Synergy, 2015. - 239 p.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Labour law and Governance reforms debate in India
Chapter 2. A survey of some aspects of labour flexibility debate
Chapter 3. Regionalization of labour reform process: the Fabian strategy
Chapter 4. The myth of tough labour laws
Chapter 5. The biggest problem with labour laws
Chapter 6. The labour reforms we truly need
Chapter 7. Wrong signals, weak Governance hobble labour market reforms
Chapter 8. Central Government it’s time to enter the labour reforms boxing zone
Chapter 9. Take labour law reform politics to the centre
Chapter 10. Essential services maintenance globalisation logic at work
Chapter 11. Social dialogue the missing link in labour reforms
Chapter 12. Myth of Chinese labour flexibility
Chapter 13. The myth of Inspector Raj in India
Chapter 14. Labour inspection reforms in the ILO perspective
Chapter 15. Labour flexibility in India: some implications for decent work
Chapter 16. Half-statistical truths
Chapter 17. Industrial violence and labour reforms
Chapter 18. Maruti’s labor conflict: lessons India Inc
Chapter 19. Labour rights and globalisation in India: challenges for the trade Union movement in India


Labour Law--India.

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