WTO- Trade Remedies (Vol. 4)
edited by Rudiger Wolfrum , Peter-Tobias Stoll and Michael Koebele.
- Boston : Martinus Nijhoff Pub., 2006.
- 980 p.
- (Maxplanck Commentaries on World Trade Law ) .
Table of Contents: Chapter 1. Agreement on implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 Chapter 2. Agreement on safeguards (SA) Chapter 3. Agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures (SCMA) Chapter 4. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 Chapter 5. Comparative overview of anti-dumping regulation in the European communities and the United States of America Chapter 6. Comparative overview of EU and US safeguard regulations Chapter 7. Comparative overview of EU and US subsidies regulation Chapter 8. Balance of payments measures