Deutsch, Klaus Gunter (Ed.)

World Trade Organization Millennium Round : Freer Trade in the Twenty-first Century edited by Klaus Gunter Deutsch, Bernhard Speyer. - London : Routledge, 2001. - 319 p.

Table of Contents:
Part 1: International trade policies
Chapter 1: The Millennium Round: the prospect for trade liberalisation in the next century
Chapter 2: The US: why fundamentals do not always matter, or: It's politics, stupid!
Chapter 3: The EU: contending for leadership; 4: WTO trade negotiations viewed from Tokyo
Chapter 5: Developing countries and the Millennium Round
Chapter 6: Globalisation, democracy and trade policy
Part 2: Policy issues
Chapter 7: Liberalising international trade in services: the European perspective
Chapter 8: Financial services liberalisation in the Millennium Round
Chapter 9: International trade in telecommunications and transportation services
Chapter 10: Electronic commerce: a need for regulation?
Chapter 11: Competition policy and the WTO
Chapter 12: Anti-dumping and trade remedies: a necessary reform
Chapter 13: Investment in the WTO
Chapter 14: Trade-related intellectual property rights: from Marrakech to Seattle
Chapter 15: Agriculture: new wine in new bottles
Chapter 16: Regionalism and multilateralism - side by side
Chapter 17: Trade and labour standards - harnessing globalisation?
Chapter 18: Delineating trade and environmental rules
Part 3: Systemic and institutional issues
Chapter 19: Clinton's legacy: US trade leadership languishes
Chapter 20: Broadening WTO membership: key accession issues
Chapter 21: Dispute settlement - a gem in polish and preservation
Chapter 22: The WTO and international governance
Chapter 23: Reforming WTO decision-making: lessons from Singapore and Seattle


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