Gearty, Conor.

Civil liberties by, Gearty Conor. - New York : Oxford University, 2007. - 214 p.

Table of Contents:
Part 1. Introduction: General Principles
Chapter 1. Renewing Civil Liberties
Chapter 2. Theoretical foundations
Chapter 3: Democratic freedom and national insecurity
Part 2. The Substances of Civil Liberties Protection
Chapter 4. The Right to Vote
Chapter 5: The Prohibition on Torture and the Rights toLife and Security of the Person
Chapter 6. The Right to Liberty and due process
Chapter 7. The Right to Freedom of Expression
Chapter 8. The Right to Freedom of Associations
Part 3. The International Dimension
Chapter 9. Civi Liberties beyond the Nation State
Part IV: Conclusion
Chapter 10. Protecting Political Freedom


Civil rights.

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