Ramaiya, A.

Guide to the Companies Act : providing guidance on the Companies Act, 2013 (Vol. 2) by A. Ramaiya. - 18th ed. - Haryana : LexisNexis, 2015. - 1904-4002 p.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 9. Accounts of companies
Chapter 10. Audit and auditors
Chapter 11. Appointment and qualifications of directors
Chapter 12. Meetings of board and its powers
Chapter 13. Appointment and remuneration of managerial personnel
Chapter 14. Inspection, inquiry and investigation
Chapter 15. Compromises, mergers and amalgamation Book consists of volume 1 to 3, appendix 1 to 6 and two consolidated table of cases & subject index.


Corporation law--India.

346.54066 / RAM/GUI