Bhatia, H. S. (Ed.)

Origin and development of legal and political system in India (Vol.2) edited by H.S. Bhatia. - New Delhi : Deep & Deep Publications, 1999. - 220 p.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Introduction and application of English law in India
Chapter 2. Legal and political system in the Presidencies
Chapter 3. Regulations that changed India's military and political history
Chapter 4. Rise and progress of politically-based Indo-British law
Chapter 5. English criminal law in India
Chapter 6. The first 'Articles of war' for military justice in India
Chapter 7. Reports from supervisors of justice and other early letters
Chapter 8. British political power through Indian troops
Chapter 9. Queen's courts and company's courts
Chapter 10. Indian military law of three centuries
Chapter 11. Crimes peculiar to India and those common to England and India and their punishments
Chapter 12. First Supreme Court in India
Chapter 13. British colonial power in India
Chapter 14. Court establishments, low salaries and corruption


Law Reform.

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