Strategies for creditors in bankruptcy proceedings
by Lynn M. LoPucki and Christopher R. Mirick.
- 5th ed.
- New York : Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, 2007.
- 955 p.
Table of Contents: Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Representing unsecured creditors in the shadow of bankruptcy Chapter 3. Representing secured creditors in the shadow of bankruptcy Chapter 4. Representing lessors in the shadow of bankruptcy Chapter 5. Introduction to Chapter 7 liquidations Chapter 6. Representing unsecured creditors under Chapter 7 Chapter 7. Representing secured creditors under Chapter 7 Chapter 8. Representing lessors under Chapter 7 Chapter 9. Introduction to Chapter 11 reorganizations Chapter 10. Representing unsecured creditors under Chapter 11 Chapter 11. Representing the unsecured creditors' committee Chapter 12. Representing secured creditors under Chapter 11 Chapter 13. Representing lessors under Chapter 11 Chapter 14. Introduction to Chapter 13 debt adjustments Chapter 15. Representing unsecured creditors under Chapter 13 Chapter 16. Representing secured creditors under Chapter 13 Chapter 17. Representing lessors under Chapter 13. Index